Each Kannu course supports a custom grading policy built by its instructor. As an admin you can set up presets for those policies to speed up or regulate course design. You can reach this page via your Navigation Bar (Course Presets–>Grading Policies). This article covers those presets. For more information on grading policies at work, see the Instructor Grading Policy article.
Grading policies are composed of categories, into which instructors can place their coursework. By default, all categories are editable and removable, and instructors can add categories at will. When instructors add categories, they can create their own or use presets that you define. By default, Kannu includes five presets: Assignments, Quizzes, Tests, Projects, and Attendance.
You may remove these presets whenever you like, though we recommend leaving Attendance in place, as the Attendance category has a special tie to the Attendance module. If you aren't planning on using attendance in any of your courses, feel free to remove this category as well.
To add a new preset, simply click the Add button at the top of the page, and type in the name of the category. As is, this new category will be a preset option whenever instructors add new categories. If you'd like it to be included in all policies automatically, tick the checkbox for "Default." If you set this category as a default, you can also require it. Required categories are included in all grading policies, and may not be removed by instructors.