Course settings can be accessed from the left nav under Course Info. You will have three tabs: General, Course Information and Features.
From the general tab, you can update your course name, course number, term, course run dates, set enrollment options and course options.
Course Name and Number section you can edit the following:
- Course Name
- Course Number
- Term
- External ID (if applicable)
Course Run Dates will be your start and end date for the course.
Enrollment Options
- If you are allowing students to sign themselves up for courses, you can require that enrollment requires instructor approval.
- Set a welcome email for when students join your course.
Course Options
- Show Mentors on the Syllabus (Toggl on or off)
- Invite Only (Hide from Browse Courses), (Toggl on or off)
- Adaptive Schedule (Toggl on or off)
- What should happen after a course ends? (Use the drop-down)
- Allow students to participate in gallery, forums, etc. (Toggl on or off)
- Allow student to submit coursework (Toggl on or off)
Course Information
Add a course logo (image) that will display on your course card, or add a promo video. Note, that if you would like the course promo video to appear on your syllabus, add it as a new Content Block.
All features will default to ON, but if you would like to turn a specific feature off, you can do so from this tab:
- Attendance
- Gallery
- Gradebook
- Forums