Kannu uses a "tiered" system: each role has all of the privileges of the roles below it, and is not able to control the roles of anyone at the same level or above.
There are five primary types of Kannu roles: Admins/Super Admins, Instructors, TAs & Staff, Students, and Mentors & Auditors. Other than Admin, each role only applies to a single course. That means you could be a mentor in one, an instructor in another, and a student in yet another.
NOTE: Guest Lecturers aren't an actual user role, but a profile on the Instructors page to credit another important educational figure involved in the course in some way. If your Guest Lecturer is meant to be directly involved in the creation/maintenance of a course, give them the appropriate role based on the below information.
Super Admins
Super Admins are almost identical to Admins, except that they can make other users Admins, or remove their Admin privileges. Contact us if you need to be made a Super Admin.
Unlike the roles below, Admin is a sitewide role, used for managing/customizing your Kannu portal. This type has the following unique privileges:
- Creating users and editing their roles universally
- Viewing all courses a user is enrolled in/teaching
- Ability to add/remove users of any lower role tier in any course
- Deleting users, resetting their passwords, and changing their email addresses
- Seeing specific user analytics like date of account creation and last login
- Approving drafted courses
- Access to various other admin-only pages (Terms, Categories etc.) via the Admin Dashboard
Admins also have full instructor privileges on all courses in your institution's portal. Great power, great responsibility!
Instructors have complete control over their courses, with exactly one caveat: any course they create must be approved by an admin after being published (though instructors can freely build and edit their courses before this approval step). *Note that some Kannu admins allow instructors to bypass the approval process depending on the administrator site settings.
- Course creation
- Editing course metadata (start/end dates, course overview, etc.)
- Adding "instructor-side" users to all courses (other instructors, TAs, Support etc.)*
- Adding and removing students from courses
- Editing course-specific roles for all users
- Full writing privileges on course info pages
- Full writing privileges on sessions, coursework, announcements, and resources
- Full publish privileges on sessions, coursework, announcements, and resources
- Course Analytics access and survey creation
- Edit/Delete privileges on all forum posts
- Viewing student submissions, allowing resubmissions
- Grading
- View peer assessments and change grades given by peers
- Previewing the course and anything in it as if they were a student
*On some portals, instructors aren't allowed to manage the staff of their course: this is up to the portal administrators. Also note that instructors aren't able to remove other instructors, as they're on the same level—contact an Admin if you need one removed.
TAs & Course Staff
If Instructors are captains of the ship, TAs are their first mate. They'll have most of the instructor's writing and grading privileges, but won't be able to change anything fundamental to the course itself. Compare this list of privileges to the Instructor privileges above:
- Editing course-specific roles for students only
- Full writing privileges on sessions, coursework, announcements, and resources
- Full publishing privileges on announcements and resources
- Course Analytics access and survey creation
- Edit/Delete privileges on all forum posts
- View student submissions, allow resubmissions
- Grading
- View peer assessments and change grades given by peers
- Previewing the course and anything in it as if they were a student
Instructional Support
Instructional Support is a similar role to that of TAs and Course Staff, but Instructional Support members won't have access to the gradebook or private student submissions. Compare this list of privileges to the TA privileges above:
- Editing course-specific roles for students only
- Full writing privileges on sessions, coursework, announcements, and resources
- Course Analytics access and survey creation
- Edit/Delete privileges on all forum posts
- Previewing the course and anything in it as if they were a student
Students can do just what you'd expect them to—here's a list of their user privileges:
- Edit their user info, like personal details and passwords (all users can do this)
- Submit coursework
- Read privileges on published syllabus, sessions, coursework, resources, and announcements (i.e. watching sessions, downloading resources, viewing announcements)
- Edit/Delete privileges on their own forum posts only
- View their own coursework submissions
- View their grades
- View peer assessments and grades given by their peers (anonymous for students)
- Enroll in courses (needs instructor approval)
Auditors & Mentors
Auditors and Mentors share privileges (the only difference being that mentors have a "Mentor" tag on the forums). These are the same as student privileges, minus coursework submission and, by extension, viewing grades:
- Edit their user info, like personal details and passwords (all users can do this)
- Read privileges on published syllabi, sessions, coursework, resources, and announcements (i.e. watching sessions, downloading resources, viewing announcements)
- Edit/Delete privileges on their own forum posts only
- Enroll in courses (needs instructor approval)
If you would like Mentors to display on your Syllabus page, go to Course Info > Settings. To invite a mentor to your course, go to Students > Invite. Once invited, you can change their role to a mentor from Students > View All.