A submission is a simple type of assignment with a wide array of variability.
To upload a submission:
- From the Coursework Dashboard, select the assignment you would like to submit and click the View Coursework button. NOTE: You can also view coursework by clicking the Coursework Title of the particular coursework you would like to view.
- Scroll down and click the Submit Assignment button.
- Upload your file: Drag and drop the file you would like to upload onto the file drop zone, or click the Browse Files button to open up a file select dialogue window. Files must be 250 MB or less in size. NOTE: It is important to make sure that you use the correct type of file extension for each particular assignment. Accepted file types will be displayed on the upload screen for each assignment (i.e. {.pdf}, {.jpg}).
- If you would like to leave a message for the graders, you can enter one into the text box located below the drop zone.
- Click the Submit Assignment button.
- Once you have submitted an assignment, you can view or edit that assignment by clicking the View/Resubmit button in the Submit Assignment module on the Coursework Dashboard. NOTE: This button will only be accessible until the assignment has been graded. After which, this button will be replaced with the View Grade button.
Form Submission:
Form Submissions are guided assignments that provide students with a set number of questions to work through and answer.
To Complete a form submission:
- From the Coursework Dashboard, select the assignment you would like to submit and click the View Coursework button. NOTE: You can also view coursework by clicking the Coursework Title of the particular coursework you would like to view.
- Scroll down and click the Submit Form button.
- Form Submissions can consist of five different types of questions: Multiple choice, true/false, fill in the blank, written response, and image matching questions.
- To answer these questions, follow the directions for each question and make your selections/write your responses on the screen. After you have finished answering the question, click the Next Question button on the bottom right-hand corner of the question card.
- When you have answered all the questions on the worksheet, you will be able to review those answers on the Form Submission Summary page before deciding to submit your worksheet or not. To change an answer, click the thumbnail image of the question you would like to revisit on the left-hand side of the screen.
- If you are ready to submit your worksheet, click the Submit Form button on the bottom right-hand corner the Form Submission Summary page.
- Once you have submitted a form submission, you can view or edit that worksheet by clicking the View/Resubmit button in the Submit Assignment module on the Coursework Dashboard. NOTE: This button will only be accessible until the worksheet has been graded. After which, this button will be replaced with the View Grade button.
Participation assignments are a way for students to engagement & collaborate with one another in either the course forums, course gallery or both!
To submit a participation assignment:
- From the Coursework Dashboard, select the Participation assignment you would like to submit and click the View Coursework button. NOTE: You can also view coursework by clicking the Coursework Title of the particular coursework you would like to view.
- Scroll down and click the Go to Gallery or Go to Forum button.
- Once you have submitted a participation assignment, you can view when your gallery or forum participation was last graded.
Link assignments are simple ways for an instructor to assign web-based research projects.
To submit a link assignment:
- From the Coursework Dashboard, select the Link assignment you would like to submit and click the View Coursework button. NOTE: You can also view coursework by clicking the Coursework Title of the particular coursework you would like to view.
- Scroll down and click the Submit Assignment button.
- Enter an HTML link into the URL text box. NOTE: The easiest way to submit a link is to copy and paste the link directly into the URL text box.
- If you would like to leave a message for the graders, you can enter one in the text box located below the drop zone.
- Click the Submit Assignment button.
- Once you have submitted a link assignment, you can view or edit that assignment by clicking the View/Resubmit button in the Submit Assignment module on the Coursework Dashboard. NOTE: This button will only be accessible until the link assignment has been graded. After which, this button will be replaced with a View Grade button.
Certain courses may necessitate assignment types that do not easily fit into any of the above categories. For these types of assignments, follow the instructions provided by the course instructor to complete the assignment. NOTE: There may or may not be anything to submit for this kind of assignment. Instead, you may be asked to participate in a discussion, do a reading, or work with a partner.