Scheduled vs. Adaptive Courses
On Kadenze, courses are offered as either Scheduled or Adaptive courses.
- A Scheduled course follows a set calendar, with course start and end dates, prescribed due dates for assignments, and new content (sessions/lessons) are released on specific dates.
- Adaptive courses are more flexible in terms of scheduling, allowing you to progress through course material at your own pace. All sessions and coursework are immediately available, with recommended due dates set based on your cohort start date.
Anytime you enroll in a course, you join a cohort with other learners enrolling around the same time. Scheduled courses have one cohort for the entirety of the course. For Adaptive courses, new cohorts start automatically every 1-2 weeks, so you may have to wait a few days before your cohort starts. Not only do cohorts allow you to join adaptive courses with others and plan ahead before the course starts, but they also enable us to set deadlines and milestones that help keep you on track. If you’re in an Adaptive Course, you’ll still be able to progress through the course as quickly or as slowly as you want--keep reading for more info on how that all works.
Scheduled Course FAQ
- Course start and end dates are specified in advance.
- Sessions and Coursework items become available to learners on specific date/time.
- Specified by the instructor, institution, and/or Kadenze.
- You may resubmit an assignment (coursework) within the 24-hour period following the original submission.
- As long as you are eligible (total grade is a 65% or higher), you’ll receive a Certificates of Accomplishment, typically within 24 hours of completing all coursework, or the course closes. If you’ve been inactive in a course for an extended period of time and are eligible for a certificate, but you have not yet completed all of the coursework, 2 email attempts will be made to see if you would like to finish the missing work. If no response is given after these attempts, zeros will be given to any missing work you will receive a certificate.
Adaptive Course FAQ
- Courses have open enrollment and learners can enroll in the course at any time within the course's open enrollment period. The enrollment period typically opens 1-2 weeks before a cohort starts, and the following cohort’s enrollment period begins as soon as the previous cohort’s enrollment period ends. If a course is nearing its end date, enrollment in the current and/or future cohorts may close until the course is reopened.
- All Session content is immediately available to learners once the cohort that they join starts.
- All Coursework are immediately available to learners once the cohort that they join starts.
- Recommended Due Dates (enabled by default) will automatically suggest a 1-week deadline for each coursework to help learners schedule their workload. It should be noted that the recommended due date is merely a suggestion, and learners are free to go at their own pace, even with Recommended Due Dates enabled.
- Recommended Due Dates can be disabled via your User Preferences page.
- You may resubmit an assignment (coursework) within the 24-hour period following the original submission.
- As long as you are eligible (total grade is a 65% or higher), you’ll receive a Certificates of Accomplishment, typically within 24 hours of completing all coursework, or the course closes. If you’ve been inactive in a course for an extended period of time and are eligible for a certificate, but you have not yet completed all of the coursework, 2 email attempts will be made to see if you would like to finish the missing work. If no response is given after these attempts, zeros will be given to any missing work you will receive a certificate.